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Shanghai – A Flagship City

From a fishing village in the 11th Century, to the world’s busiest port today, Shanghai has long been synonymous with international trade and commerce.

11th March 2019

It is now cementing its position as the hottest retail city in Asia, becoming the go-to place for brands to develop flagship presence.

In a time where “digital” is the growth engine of retail, and particularly in a place like Shanghai where technological leapfrogging has placed so much access to retail in the palms of people’s hands, the very idea of large physical Flagship stores may seem idiosyncratic. But Flagships have always been more than just a store – they are a statement of intent, a brand and marketing investment, and an opportunity to showcase innovation.

In the last 18 months, a number of statement Flagships have opened. First up was Starbucks on West Nanjing Rd. with their Reserve Roastery – the largest Starbucks in the world by 2018. Featuring a 40-ton copper cask as its’ centrepiece, a 27-metre Coffee Bar and China’s first Teavana Bar, this is a Starbucks like no other, and has rapidly become a tourist destination as well as coffee shop.

Nanjing Road has long been the location of choice for international brands to establish high profile presence. Costa opened their first store in China on East Nanjing Road over 12 years ago, and have since witnessed the influx of more and more flagship stores to the bustling street.

Among them there are not only fashion apparel, but also inspirational and experiential brands such as LEGO . With a brilliantly tailored, Shanghai-inspired design and range, and innovative play-areas and personalisation features across 2 levels, this is a real statement store that, like Starbucks, has become a tourist attraction in its own right.

Next to LEGO in the redeveloped Shimao Shopping Plaza is Nike Shanghai 001 – the first House of Innovation store format from Nike anywhere in the world. Across 4 levels, and comprising 3,800 sq m; this is again a store like no other. Features and experiences including NikeByYou (customised and personalised shoe creation) and Shanghai Shop (unique local product), ensure Shanghai 001 lives up to the hype.

Opposite Nike, and opening within a matter of days of it, is the similarly impressive Adidas Flagship – a place that provides the full weight of the Adidas offer including Originals, Neo and Kids, and showcases innovation and personalisation.

Last up in the Sports and Fashion sector is FILA, which has displayed remarkable growth in China in recent years. The recently opened FILA, again on Nanjing Lu, brings together the different sub-brand propositions and reflects a statement of intent from an increasingly confident brand.

Whether you are looking for a Flagship presence in Shanghai, or are thinking of entering or expanding into any other city, Geolytix now have a comprehensive Retail Places dataset that maps and defines the extent, strength and type of all retail locations within all of the top cities in Asia. Get in touch for a chat if you’d like to find out more…


从11世纪的小渔村成长为世界上最繁忙的港口都会,上海一直以来都是国际贸易和商业的代名词。 近年来,上海作为亚洲最热门商业城市的地位不断巩固,成为品牌旗舰店落户大中华乃至亚太地区的首选地。

在今天这个数字技术成为零售增长引擎的时代,人们动动手指就能在线浏览和选购各种商品;新零售迅猛发展的上海自然更不例外。在这样的环境下,发展大型实体旗舰店似乎显得有些“特别”;但实际上,旗舰店远非只是一个店铺那么简单 – 它们是品牌理念彰显的绝佳窗口,是品牌与营销的投资,同时也为产品创新、与消费者互动提供了舞台。

在过去的一年半时间里,越来越多品牌旗舰店在上海绽放,首当其冲的是南京西路星巴克Reserve Roastery。这个当时全球最大的星巴克坐拥40吨铜罐、27米长的咖啡吧和中国第一家Teavana茶吧…问世以来,这个独一无二的星巴克很快便超越其咖啡店功能,成为全球游客争相排队光顾的热点。



与乐高旗舰店比邻的是耐克上海001 ——这家耐克在其全球门店中可谓独树一帜:除了4层楼高、面积3,800平方米的庞大体量之外,其个性化的设计令人耳目一新;NikeByYou(定制专属款)与上海元素(独特的当地特色产品)更让慕名而来的粉丝不虚此行。

在耐克001的对面,同样令人惊艳的是阿迪达斯旗舰店 ——运动表现、三叶草、运动休闲、童装店等等…阿迪达斯全系列产品在此百花齐放;充满创新与个性化的设计和美陈令购物与品牌体验充满愉悦享受。




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